Friday, September 10, 2010


no need to work today, had plan an outing since the start of this week!.. went bowling, watch movie, and play pool for the whole day! was tired and stress, did not really enjoy everything, was busy making sure everyone enjoy the day, before everything started had friends saying:" hey henry your planning really cannot make it, really sux sia...." just to let you know i had attachement the whole week from morning to night the only time to check what place is fun, were got nice place, got what movies the time slot and stuff is out of the time were i can really enjoy my free time after work watching TV, playing computer games.. there is time i slept late to discuss with my leader were and what we can really plan.. i am tired as much as you guys are.. you guys really have no idea how worried i am when u say that my plan sux... trying to blend my besties and friends from differen schools and of differen age together is not easy ok?! but all i can say is that i have done my best... running around making sure everyone is good not left behind and stuff is tiring.. but i did try.. there is so much love i want to share, there is so much love you need to see! they are the one i love... and i love them all my heart and my life!...

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