Friday, September 25, 2009

Hmm..... my 2nd blog...

having lots of problem lately with me myself, my classmate and a spammer who i know not.
i dunno what to do, what to say and i dunno if they will manage to find my link to my 2nd blog.

i am sick and tired, i am not what u all think u all know about i am not brave as u all thought of, i need support, a shoulder to lean on but i know my limit and i will not and cannot be a good boyfriend. i am easily weaken, sensitive and emotional i am not only weak i also like to hide away to a place were no one can find me and slowly leak my tears off or hide away from all troubles, i just want a person regardless guy or girl to love me for who i am is it so hard? everything u see about me is just an act an act to prove that i am not weak and not easy to be defeat but thats not what i am. so what if i am fat? so what if i am a gay? so what if i am a bi? i am still a human no matter what, a human with feelings like all normal human and it is just that the way i grow up or thinking that make me different from all of you. why must you all force me to tell that i am different, when my family members dun even know about it.

i do not know what i did to make u guys hate me and dislike me, if it's the way i talk then tell me straight dun talk behind my back saying other stuff. i have very very less friend and i just manage to be friend with a group of friends in school, i dun want to lose them cause if i lose them i will be all alone, i dun want to be alone. coz only a few will understand the feeling of already having friend but they left you because u are not what they think u are...

i am all alone even thought i have gans, i am still alone even when i have my family cause there is non who can listen or understand me. just wish someone could stop and help me if not KILL ME! i will be happy being dead then alive....

* to readers
i dun need sympathies, pity or non supporting word......

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