Saturday, October 16, 2010


was challenge to give 1.5k for this year building fund, this aamount is not small but i belive God will guide me through..

yesterday went for leaders meeting, totally cried... it hurt me so bad to see my spiritual parents cry.. they were there on stage, sharing their hearts out!! as i listen i realise one thing and that is among all the problems, all of it are about the nation, about the church. there is nothing that is about himself, he has a big heart for youth worried about places so the next generation have a place call home! as year go by lesser christian want to be pastors, lesser church having breakthrough to 1000s members, singapore may be small, singapore is small and if we are not able to let all get the chance to hear the Word of God, what are we to do?

A place we call home, may seems stable but it is not... medias, reporters and more.. why are you guys killing the dream of the youth, members, pastors, christians? why can't you see how much this place mean to us? you guys know nothing about us and you post things like you knnow every bit of us..... why are you guys so inconciderate? why are you guys so selfish

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