Monday, March 8, 2010

Confuse i am make me start thinking about stuff more complicated then ever......
feeling close to God make me feel more relax but going any more nearer need me to be committed... commitment is nv my type of job, all i wish is just having freedom being set free from all boundary and burdens, God will help me remove my sin, my burdens but that does not set me free i will need to be as one with the lord and serve him and they say the greatest reward is to be with him stay with him? if that's the case were is the freedom? and is this what i want?
why am i close to God? is it just because i want to be with HIM? or is it because of friends? what will happen if all my friend left? will i still be faithful and stay committed?
i will soon hear if i am approve to work part time in resort world sentosa, i have chosen part-time instead of casual timing cause part time will be more stable then casual timing, but part time need to work at less 22 hours per week that will remove Friday afternoon time, Saturday and Sunday timing, which mean is i am to work there i will not be able to go for servicing, worshiping and praising
GOD HELP ME!!!!!!!! i do not know if you can hear me but i hope you can help me with choice

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